New member
HERE ARE MY UPDATED PICS, its a website showing my progress...please know I am working on the facial expressions...not so good at this time
Well, today I am 8 weeks out....I think I am still in denial that I am even doing this crazy bodybuilding show. I certainly have my good days and bad days with this whole thing. I am certainly not starving, at this time... I am eating about 3000 calories....just 3000 calories of REALLY BLAND AND BORING food! My body has become like a machine...every two hours it needs food and I almost feel it being burned up. I have not done any cardio now for almost two months and my legs have really come along...I am most proud of them ...finally two years of squatting pays off! Who would of known that all I had to do is STOP OF MY RUNNING! I still need lats, abs, calves, and hams as you can see. I am currently doing abs and calves every morning at 4 am..its killing me. My husband was kind enough to buy me a seated calf raise so I don't have to go to the gym at 4! I am currently training my abs and calves everyother day. Seated calves with 70 lbs sets of 30 reps, 6 sets...WHAT DO YOU THINK? TOO MUCH, NOT ENOUGH? I am also doing, as BUNNY suggested, situps on a decline bench with a 10lb weight, 25 reps and 5 sets. MORE WEIGHT? FEWER REPS? What do you think. I have a concave rib cage and it makes my stomach area "sink in", I have the abs in the am, the top can see them in my relaxed stance, but when i felx my abs, they go away! Very strange! Do you think I will see more of them when I am water depleted?
This week I have decided to cut the crystal light and my spray butter...these were my last two chemiclas that I had in my diet. My diet and training is still the following:
4 am ABS and CALVES
4:30 am 10 egg whites and 1/2 cup oats with one table spoon MCT OIL
7:30 am 3 oz chicken or 4 oz talapia, or 3/4 can of tuna green veggie, 3 oz yam
10:30 am 3 oz chicken or 4 oz talapia, or 3/4 can of tuna green veggie, 3 oz yam
1:30 pm3 oz chicken or 4 oz talapia, or 3/4 can of tuna green veggie, 3 oz yam
3:30pm 3 oz chicken or 4 oz talapia, or 3/4 can of tuna green veggie, 3 oz yam
TRAIN AT 5:30 or 6 jusband is now my trainer since I let my trainer go, this has been a true test to our first year of marriage...I think he is a saint...some days I am a real you know what!
8:30 3 oz chicken or 4 oz talapia, or 3/4 can of tuna green veggie
11 PM: Usually I will try to take in one more meal of protein only...usually 10-12 egg whites because it is the only thing I can stomach this late/.
Thanks so much for everyone's support! I admire cometitiors so much now that I am walking in their shoes....can't wait until April!!!!!!!
Well, today I am 8 weeks out....I think I am still in denial that I am even doing this crazy bodybuilding show. I certainly have my good days and bad days with this whole thing. I am certainly not starving, at this time... I am eating about 3000 calories....just 3000 calories of REALLY BLAND AND BORING food! My body has become like a machine...every two hours it needs food and I almost feel it being burned up. I have not done any cardio now for almost two months and my legs have really come along...I am most proud of them ...finally two years of squatting pays off! Who would of known that all I had to do is STOP OF MY RUNNING! I still need lats, abs, calves, and hams as you can see. I am currently doing abs and calves every morning at 4 am..its killing me. My husband was kind enough to buy me a seated calf raise so I don't have to go to the gym at 4! I am currently training my abs and calves everyother day. Seated calves with 70 lbs sets of 30 reps, 6 sets...WHAT DO YOU THINK? TOO MUCH, NOT ENOUGH? I am also doing, as BUNNY suggested, situps on a decline bench with a 10lb weight, 25 reps and 5 sets. MORE WEIGHT? FEWER REPS? What do you think. I have a concave rib cage and it makes my stomach area "sink in", I have the abs in the am, the top can see them in my relaxed stance, but when i felx my abs, they go away! Very strange! Do you think I will see more of them when I am water depleted?
This week I have decided to cut the crystal light and my spray butter...these were my last two chemiclas that I had in my diet. My diet and training is still the following:
4 am ABS and CALVES
4:30 am 10 egg whites and 1/2 cup oats with one table spoon MCT OIL
7:30 am 3 oz chicken or 4 oz talapia, or 3/4 can of tuna green veggie, 3 oz yam
10:30 am 3 oz chicken or 4 oz talapia, or 3/4 can of tuna green veggie, 3 oz yam
1:30 pm3 oz chicken or 4 oz talapia, or 3/4 can of tuna green veggie, 3 oz yam
3:30pm 3 oz chicken or 4 oz talapia, or 3/4 can of tuna green veggie, 3 oz yam
TRAIN AT 5:30 or 6 jusband is now my trainer since I let my trainer go, this has been a true test to our first year of marriage...I think he is a saint...some days I am a real you know what!
8:30 3 oz chicken or 4 oz talapia, or 3/4 can of tuna green veggie
11 PM: Usually I will try to take in one more meal of protein only...usually 10-12 egg whites because it is the only thing I can stomach this late/.
Thanks so much for everyone's support! I admire cometitiors so much now that I am walking in their shoes....can't wait until April!!!!!!!