trial0r said:
this is so fucking true.
i used to bitch and moan about being a hard gainer. then i learned that my diet, although i thought was awsome, sucked. i almost doubled my calories and protein and put on 10 pounds in a month.
Same here man. It is so true. I use to also tell everyone that i had the fastest metabolism around, and was a hard gainer. I always thought that as long as i busted my ass working out 5 days a week I would have to get big. I finally got so fed up with not gaining weight that i posted my diet on this board to get reviewed(It really got slammed too by the way. Was a bit mad at the time, but now i thank everyone for it).I noticed i was getting enought proteing,but only getting half(if that) of the calories and carbs that i was suppose to.After i got my diet in check I started to see the results on the scale and so did everyone else.