Day 6 - Saturday, Jan 25th
I hit the regular gym and did a low weight, higher rep upper body workout, just to kind of stretch things out.
I used 17.5 lb DB and did...
Flat chest press
Standing rows
Shoulder Press
All 3 sets @ 15 reps.
Did some unweighted incline crunches and a lot of stretching.
I killed it on cardio though!!
30 mins, incline at 3% and running intervals for 20. I have this app on my phone that will count out the intervals so I can just listen to music and focus on the workout, not on watching the clock. It gives you a 5 min walking warm up and then 60 seconds running and 90 seconds walking for 20 mins, 5 min cool down. Now that I have some idea what it feels like to get my heart rate way up there, I really pushed it.
This is the final day of week 1 for the contest. I have my 3rd class this morning at 11:45 (required to do 3 classes a week). I'll post up my stats tomorrow but I weighed myself this morning and it's ridonkulous! I did it twice just to make sure.