rev. hypers: bwx10, choked mini: x 8 x 2 sets
glute/ham on floor: bw x 10 x 2 sets - getting strong on these!
SE situps: 45 x 10 x 2 sets
pullthroughs: big band x 15
seated plate pinches: 10s x 30 seconds (L), x 30s ®
10s x 35 seconds (L), x 35s ®
couldn't squat at all due to my back being terrible. after 11 months, im finally getting into a chiro on friday. it wasnt bad at all for quite a while until yesterday. only used to be a little tight and weak. pending on what the chiro says, i'm fixing to do a bench contest and/or a strongman contest this summer
so i did squat assistance and grip work. my fingers are pumped! lol..its actually pretty fun. i figure that if i cant do squats on this particular day, i might as well do something else that will help in a contest later
i can almost do glute/hams on the floor without catching myself on the bottom of the rep
rev. hypers: bwx10, choked mini: x 8 x 2 sets
glute/ham on floor: bw x 10 x 2 sets - getting strong on these!
SE situps: 45 x 10 x 2 sets
pullthroughs: big band x 15
seated plate pinches: 10s x 30 seconds (L), x 30s ®
10s x 35 seconds (L), x 35s ®
couldn't squat at all due to my back being terrible. after 11 months, im finally getting into a chiro on friday. it wasnt bad at all for quite a while until yesterday. only used to be a little tight and weak. pending on what the chiro says, i'm fixing to do a bench contest and/or a strongman contest this summer
so i did squat assistance and grip work. my fingers are pumped! lol..its actually pretty fun. i figure that if i cant do squats on this particular day, i might as well do something else that will help in a contest later
i can almost do glute/hams on the floor without catching myself on the bottom of the rep