The show is Sept 12, Tournament of Champions in LA. I hired Alex Azarian for my prep. I did 16 weeks and stay with the same calories throughout, just increase cardio. Before I started, I was 12%Bf. My calories wre aprox. 2500-2700, Macros wre 50P, 32C, 18F. I train 1 bodypart per week, but high volume 22-25 sets major, 15-18 per minor, and heavy. My last show was 18 years ago, I only started training like a BB again about a little over a year ago. Before that I was just training to be healthy. This diet one of the easiest I did, probally because I did it over time. My goal in the off season is to go even heavier and lower volume and eat good foods for growth. This is me 1 year ago.