my view
this is my first post, so i guess im obliged to make noticeable first impression, so i thought i should post my views on this topic.
first, im english, univesity educated, and 33 years old, male.
i started experimenting with my g/f with 3-somes and swingers clubs a few years ago (about 5).
i did this because my previous EX girlfriend cheated on me, and when i was having sex with her (for the short time we were trying to "make up") i would fantasise about her screwing this other bloke and get really turned on (this is about my previous EX).
so when i was with my current g/f, and i still had these emotions, i was TERRIFIED>
i just had to find out if this would destroy me or whether it was a real part of my sexuality (ie, another man involved in my sexual contact with my loved one).
long story short (and its a hellebva long and thrillling tale), i got involved in it, and NEVER looked back.
any man, who has not experienced the IMMENSE sexual plerasure of multiple people sex, including sex with other people, INCLUDING SEX WITH YOUR PARTNER AND OTHER MALES, has never experienced the real pleasure of sex.
quite simply, with a great deal of open minded experimentation, i have come to the educated point of view, that sex should be enjoyed in a group environment, for the real thrillls.
i love my girlfriend and she loves me. we have been together for 7 years and i have NEVER been unfaithfuil, and i honestly believe she is always and always has been faithfil to me.
we go "swinging:" a coupla times a month. its totally amazing and neither of us would give it up... its just makes us closer.. we have reached a point where we can enjoy a sexual experience and know we are total;ly committed.
just one other point. we NEVER do ANYTHING sexual apart, always and ONLY in a swinging environment where we BOTH enjoy it.
thats the trust we have.
i love my girl so much.
i could NEVER be with anyone else, unless our relationship failed because of something i cant imagine now.
swinging is NOT evil, its NOT unfaithfil... its accepting we are human beings who enjoy physical pleasure.
no offence to non swingers..
you should really open your minds.. try it... but not if you dont love your partner equally and dont trust each other 10000000000000%%%%%
lecture friom the new english guy, over!!