Hi Guys,
I have been doing some research on this site and others, I have also been private messaging some experienced users. After all this I have finally decided on the following cycle which I will be starting on the 17th of this month.
Just a bit about me I am a semi pro rugby player and I am 23 years old. I have been training solidly since I was around 16, I train well and have a good diet and have consistently increased my weight, strength and muscle def over the years I have run one cycle previously, an anavar only cycle which I ran for 6 weeks with good results.
I am currently 5'10, 220lbs and around the 17% bf mark.
My current PBs are:
Dead lift - 465lbs x 5reps
Weighted Pull ups - +40lbs x 7 reps
Bench Press - 290lbs x 5 reps
Standing Military Press - 168lbs x 6 reps
Squat - 400lbs x 4reps
For my 2nd cycle I am going to run the following:
Weeks 1-8 - 100mg
anavar ED
Weeks 1-8 - 150mg
test prop EOD
Weeks 1-8 - N2Guard 7caps ED
Weeks 4-13 -
HCGenerate 5caps ED
Weeks 9-10 - 500iu
hcg Pregnyl ED for 10 days
Weeks 9-13 - 50mg
Clomid ED
My goals for this cycle are:
1. Gain 5-10lbs overall
2. Lose 5% bodyfat (meaning I would have to lose around 20lbs bf, and gain 25-30lbs muscle, possible?)
3. Increse strength
4. Increase explosive power and speed
5. Increase Muscular endurance.
These are my goals and I will be logging my thoughts, feelings, improvements and any sides that I may encounter over the 8 weeks of my cycle.
Any thoughts, advice questions please post and I will reply to you as soon as possible.
Happy new year all and thanks in advance
1-8 var 100mg ed
1-8 test prop 100mg every day
4-8 hcgenerate 4 caps a day
1-8 n2guard 7 caps a day
2-8 hcg 250ius twice a week.
8-12 clomid 25mg ed
8-unleashed and post cycle 3 caps of each every day
then you can follow up pct with some gear or even sarms then gear. You want to run the hcg and or hcgenerate during the cycle not during pct bro.
The cycle will be fine and maybe a little estrogen sides so keep something like forma-stanzol on had for that or letro just in case. You may get some painful pumps but nothing a little Taurine cant fix.
Taurine supplementation= Better Ion Flux, Nutrient-Gated Transport which= momentary better blood volume regulation
Taurine supplementation= decreased Epinephrine which= decreased blood pressure
Taurine supplementation= Better Gas exchange
In studies taurine keeps potassium and magnesium inside the cell while keeping excessive sodium out Because it aids the movement
of potassium, sodium, and calcium in and out of the cell..
Keep in mind that studies have shown that after a work out skeletal muscles taurine concentration are greatly Decreased.
1.Decreased taurine concentration in skeletal muscles after exercise for various durations.
Matsuzaki Y, Miyazaki T, Miyakawa S, Bouscarel B, Ikegami T, Tanaka N.
2.Taurine induces anti-anxiety by activating strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor in vivo.
Zhang CG, Kim SJ.
3.Role of taurine supplementation to prevent exercise-induced oxidative stress in healthy young men.
Zhang M, Izumi I, Kagamimori S, Sokejima S, Yamagami T, Liu Z, Qi B.
4.Effects of taurine administration in rat skeletal muscles on exercise.
Yatabe Y, Miyakawa S, Miyazaki T, Matsuzaki Y, Ochiai N.
5.Enhanced dystrophic progression in mdx mice by exercise and beneficial effects of taurine and insulin-like growth factor-1.
De Luca A, Pierno S, Liantonio A, Cetrone M, Camerino C, Fraysse B, Mirabella M, Servidei S, R?egg UT, Conte Camerino D.