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Clips from today
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Full Oly Back squat PR 285lbs x 5. New 5RM for now
PowerSnatch Formwork, wider grip. Have some arm bend issues.
Back roudned, but decent speed, despite being after lots of stuff.
You can see on my face how little sleep I had last night
Wednesday 27th August - Squat Intensive - Loading Cycle - Week 3 - Day 3 -
Didn't get much sleep last night, so wasn't feeling the best.
Workout Rating - 8/10
Workout time - 2+ hours
Warmups -
Lots of oly triples with just the bar - clean and jerks, snatches, drop snatches etc
Rest 2 mins
Rockbottom Jumpsquats - 12 sec Isometric hold at the bottom position - 25lbs 3x3
Full Olympic Back Squats - RAW
Warmup sets - Bar x8, 95lbs x5, 135lbs 2x3, 155lbs x3
Tempo 10X0 - Rest 3 to 4 mins
170x5, 200x5, 230x5, 255x5, 285x5 WOot New PR!!
New 5RM PR, still have another 10-20lbs in me I think.
Millitary Presses
warmups - Miltary Press - 45lbsx8, 95lbs x3, 115lbs x3
Tempo 10X1 - rest - alternating with rows - 1.5 to 2 mins between each
120lbs 5x3 - last rep lockout held for 5 secs for last 3 sets
Bradford Press - Barx10
SnatchGrip Pushpress - Barx8
Core was cold on the first 2 sets, strange considering I just finished doing squats...
45 degree Supported T-Bar Rows
Warmups - BARx8, Bar+45x5
Tempo - 10X0
Rest - Alternating with Presses
Wide Palms Down Grip
Bar+90lbs 3x5
Damn that was so light and fast!
Elbows Out - Single Arm Dumbell Row
50lbs x 10
Power Snatches
Warmups - Cleans+FrontSquats with bar, FullSnatches with Bar, Powercleans+3 HangPowerCleans 89lbs
Rest - 2mins
PowerSnatch + 2 Hang PowerSnatches - 89lbs x 2sets, 99lbs,
PowerSnatch + Hang PowerSnatch - 110lbs,
2x PowerSnatch + Hang PowerSnatch - 120lbs
PowerSnatch - 110lbs x 2, 110lbs x 2, 110lbs x 1
Did some Power Snatch form work, widened my grip out again by another 2 inches on each side, and I think this is better. I can pull the bar straighter, but much harder to keep my back straight in the start position. Although widening my stance does help in this regard. Will have to play around with this more, but it makes dropping down into the full snatch posiiton way easier.
Core, Other and Remedial Work
Reverse Hypers - BWx15
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Full Oly Back squat PR 285lbs x 5. New 5RM for now
PowerSnatch Formwork, wider grip. Have some arm bend issues.
Back roudned, but decent speed, despite being after lots of stuff.
You can see on my face how little sleep I had last night
Wednesday 27th August - Squat Intensive - Loading Cycle - Week 3 - Day 3 -
Didn't get much sleep last night, so wasn't feeling the best.
Workout Rating - 8/10
Workout time - 2+ hours
Warmups -
Lots of oly triples with just the bar - clean and jerks, snatches, drop snatches etc
Rest 2 mins
Rockbottom Jumpsquats - 12 sec Isometric hold at the bottom position - 25lbs 3x3
Full Olympic Back Squats - RAW
Warmup sets - Bar x8, 95lbs x5, 135lbs 2x3, 155lbs x3
Tempo 10X0 - Rest 3 to 4 mins
170x5, 200x5, 230x5, 255x5, 285x5 WOot New PR!!
New 5RM PR, still have another 10-20lbs in me I think.
Millitary Presses
warmups - Miltary Press - 45lbsx8, 95lbs x3, 115lbs x3
Tempo 10X1 - rest - alternating with rows - 1.5 to 2 mins between each
120lbs 5x3 - last rep lockout held for 5 secs for last 3 sets
Bradford Press - Barx10
SnatchGrip Pushpress - Barx8
Core was cold on the first 2 sets, strange considering I just finished doing squats...
45 degree Supported T-Bar Rows
Warmups - BARx8, Bar+45x5
Tempo - 10X0
Rest - Alternating with Presses
Wide Palms Down Grip
Bar+90lbs 3x5
Damn that was so light and fast!
Elbows Out - Single Arm Dumbell Row
50lbs x 10
Power Snatches
Warmups - Cleans+FrontSquats with bar, FullSnatches with Bar, Powercleans+3 HangPowerCleans 89lbs
Rest - 2mins
PowerSnatch + 2 Hang PowerSnatches - 89lbs x 2sets, 99lbs,
PowerSnatch + Hang PowerSnatch - 110lbs,
2x PowerSnatch + Hang PowerSnatch - 120lbs
PowerSnatch - 110lbs x 2, 110lbs x 2, 110lbs x 1
Did some Power Snatch form work, widened my grip out again by another 2 inches on each side, and I think this is better. I can pull the bar straighter, but much harder to keep my back straight in the start position. Although widening my stance does help in this regard. Will have to play around with this more, but it makes dropping down into the full snatch posiiton way easier.
Core, Other and Remedial Work
Reverse Hypers - BWx15