New member
hey tshoot, yeah no problem. but pls understand this is just what I do. i dont want to stir up the bee's nest by implying that THIS IS THE WAY TO DO IT. it's just MY w/o and cycle info.tshoot said:Would you mind sharing your training routine and cycle info with some friends.
OK FOR MY WORKOUTS: when i start a cycle i start my workouts with alot of powerlifting/olympic lifts to include multijoint exercises and very little to no cardio(just being lazy though). then i transition to BB excercises to kinda more fine tune the bulk. and at this time i am doing high rep, low to moderate weight muscle isolation exercises to failure pyramiding reps and weight really concentrating and squeezing at the peak of each rep. it helps me bring out some definition in what i've built. i am doing cardio twice/day @ this time 1hr morning then 1 hr after work.
>test e 500mg/wk wks 1-16
>dbol 30mg/day wks 1-4
>deca 250mg/wk wks 1-12
>test prop 100mg/day wks 16-present
>tren A 50mg/day wks 16-present
>winny 50mg/day wks 16-present
>clen 400mcg/day wks 16-present cycle 2wks on wks off
>T3 25mcg ramping to 100mcg/day wks 16-present
>AFIM throughout cycle (this really helps me)
yeah i know it's alot, i found out about and decided to enter this comp. @ wk 12 so thats why i changed up my cycle and also why it's such a long one for me. i got all my PCT in order and am going to take a 3-4 mo. break after this.
i hope this helps you or anyone else out or gives insight to what others are doing so you got something to go on. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!