painful pumps can be taken care of by using a combo of
Taurine,electrolytes and Vitamin E complex,Alpha Lipoic Acid, calcium and magnesium.
steroids=Increased Blood Volume,Increased blood pressure, Increased Sporadic irregular "Gas exchange", and muscle cramps.
Taurine supplementation= Better Ion Flux, Nutrient-Gated Transport which= momentary better blood volume regulation
Taurine supplementation= decreased Epinephrine which= decreased blood pressure
Taurine supplementation= Better Gas exchange
In studies taurine keeps potassium and magnesium inside the cell while keeping excessive sodium out. In this sense, it works like a diuretic. Because it aids the movement of potassium, sodium, and calcium in and out of the cell, taurine has been used as a supplementation for epileptics as well as for people who have uncontrollable facial twitches. In studies taurine depletion decreases the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle
Magnesium and calcium is required for the healthy function of muscles tension! When you feel "Tight" to the point of pain this is do to a lack of Mag+cal or a improper flow of Mag+cal through the muscles.
Hence way this mix works so well to help with painful pumps!.
You can get all of what you need in one serving of muscle replenisher + a banana mixed in with it. Drick this pre work out and post work out and problem solved!!! please trust me!!!
Muscle Replenisher