To anyone that read about my uncertain test injection. It has been about a week and the only things I have experianced are as follows.
Breakouts on my chest, a whole 3 pimples...But i never breakout there.
2 breakouts on my thighs..
regulated blood sugar...No crashes...Feel strong, aggressive, and can say I am more sure of myself and of my decisions. I don't know if it is way too soon to tellm, but I have been eating whole wheat bread everyday have my period and have NO BLOAT AT ALL. Before my script test as well as this gear dose, bread in any amount would hole up in my stomach and it seemed like I retained it forever...With the same amount of water intake.
I know test is suppose to bloat you, but I have been eating lean and clean(not precontest, but lean with even a burger and bread) and have a flatter tummy than I have had even on precontest diet last year.
I had in my mind to dose again in another week going a full 14 days between dosages of the T400. Because of the scare on this board, and the reccomendations to not stack all the differnt types of test together I am considering dosing with some EQ. Since I have had no problems this week, I will wait a least 12 days before another dose...Should I just go with the T400 again, since no sides came on this week, or should I back off and go with a single test like EQ? Because of my job I can't use prop, the constant injections hurt on a bare stage...It is very painful...I can take it just fine during the day, but direct pressure over and over and over on a hard surface not too good.
I had my dosage explained to me...Let's see...
T400 has 400mg of test(different types) in a full cc.
I took about 1/5 of a slin syringe. By the 3 on IU dosing side of the syringe. So about 35mg.
I did not know that differnt types had different amounts. Like EQ has 200mg(at least the type I say) in a full cc so the amount to inject is differnt. Silly me, but now I got it, and I can say my trainer was confident simply because he knew what he was doing.
OK, all imput wanted and respected.
To anyone that read about my uncertain test injection. It has been about a week and the only things I have experianced are as follows.
Breakouts on my chest, a whole 3 pimples...But i never breakout there.
2 breakouts on my thighs..
regulated blood sugar...No crashes...Feel strong, aggressive, and can say I am more sure of myself and of my decisions. I don't know if it is way too soon to tellm, but I have been eating whole wheat bread everyday have my period and have NO BLOAT AT ALL. Before my script test as well as this gear dose, bread in any amount would hole up in my stomach and it seemed like I retained it forever...With the same amount of water intake.
I know test is suppose to bloat you, but I have been eating lean and clean(not precontest, but lean with even a burger and bread) and have a flatter tummy than I have had even on precontest diet last year.
I had in my mind to dose again in another week going a full 14 days between dosages of the T400. Because of the scare on this board, and the reccomendations to not stack all the differnt types of test together I am considering dosing with some EQ. Since I have had no problems this week, I will wait a least 12 days before another dose...Should I just go with the T400 again, since no sides came on this week, or should I back off and go with a single test like EQ? Because of my job I can't use prop, the constant injections hurt on a bare stage...It is very painful...I can take it just fine during the day, but direct pressure over and over and over on a hard surface not too good.

I had my dosage explained to me...Let's see...
T400 has 400mg of test(different types) in a full cc.
I took about 1/5 of a slin syringe. By the 3 on IU dosing side of the syringe. So about 35mg.
I did not know that differnt types had different amounts. Like EQ has 200mg(at least the type I say) in a full cc so the amount to inject is differnt. Silly me, but now I got it, and I can say my trainer was confident simply because he knew what he was doing.
OK, all imput wanted and respected.