I’m looking to do a 10 week equipoise cycle then run testosterone another 4 weeks
So a total of 14 weeks on the cycle
The EQ would be 500mgs a week
The test would be 200mgs a week
I want low side effects !!
I’m 48 years old
Have not used steroids in about 4 years
6’2’’ and 190 pounds with 15%...
what is the best testosterone booster that I can take on cycle to help boost things
specifically looking for something for libido and also erectile issues
I'm 52 years old
I did a long cycle of testosterone enanthate and equipoise. It was 16 weeks
the first part of the cycle was 400mgs of each, then I upped the EQ to 800mgs
got really good results. Put on about 8 pounds total. Up to 204 pounds and 5’10’’ and 33 years old
what would be the next step after pct? Do I...
Okay so i have access in my country to both aromasin and arimidex.
Please help with dosing for this following stack.
I’m 66kg, 26, and medium build
800mgs a week primobolan
1000mgs testosterone cyp
30mgs a day dianabol
I was going to do a 12 weeks and go with testosterone cypionate and equipoise doing around 500 to 600 mg of each per week
I'm 32 years old , 6’1’’ and 78kg and I have been training for around 10 years off and on. This is going to be my third cycle. I was wondering the best way to add anavar...
Check out this strength stack and tell me what you think
500mgs a week testosterone
500mgs a week trenbolone enanthate
10mgs a day halotestin 4 weeks
Then 20mgs a day superdrol 4 weeks
I’m 25 years old
Powerlifting for 8 years
I want to see what your opinion was on using trenbolone for strength and mass
Should i do it like this:
Deca durabolin + tren + proviron
Testosterone + anavar+ tren
I’m currently lean. 6’1’’ 178 pounds and 11%. 38 years old
Been having a lot of issues with allergies and PIP when i use testosterone from my pharmacy
I decided to try the testosterone from PSL instead
it's been 3 weeks and not only do I not have any pain when I injected also my allergies are gone. I can actually breathe for a change. will be...
No more Mr. pudgy lol
I want to recomp
Currently 20% body fat, i plan on cutting before i start
5’10’’ 156 pounds and 27 yrs old
Doing testosterone prop 100mgs EOD, and trenbolone acetate. Now with the acetate do i need to run it ED or EOD? A friend said he did it 3x a week and was fine
I was wondering if poor testosterone levels could be affecting my results in the gym because I'm not able to put on much muscle I don't have much libido either
if so what kind of supplements can I take to boost my testosterone levels
I wanted to go over my 2 year cycle plan and see what you thought about it
I’m 26 years old and 240 pounds and tall
500mgs testosterone and trenbolone 12 weeks
16 weeks cruising 200mgs test only
Then take 8 weeks off
Then go back on testosterone with equipoise this time for 12 weeks
Then cruise...
my libido is getting out of control on this current cycle
I'm doing trenbolone 350mgs a week
Testosterone 500mgs a week
And i am doing caber as well
I’m 25 years old, 5’10’’ and 177 pounds
I need help with controlling my libido, any tips? I cannot get enough sex
From https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33150931/
Examining the Effects of Herbs on Testosterone Concentrations in Men: A Systematic Review
Testosterone concentrations in males tend to decline with advancing age. Low testosterone, also known as androgen deficiency (AD), is associated with an...
Check out my sarms bridge
Just Finished a 12-week testosterone only cycle
I want to transition to a sarms bridging to keep my gains
I’m currently 6 ft tall and about 185 lb.
Was thinking of doing a 4 week post cycle therapy and then doing 8 weeks of a sarm stack with lgd4033 + gw cardarine...
First time using steroids so I am definitely a beginner
25 years old and 206 lb
I was thinking of doing some testosterone with an oral together for my first cycle
do you think I should do an oral steroid for the first 4 weeks to kick-start things or should I just jump right into the...
I've spent the better part of the past five years bulking up using steroids but now I want to run a cutter
I’ve got several steroids in mind
Or anavar.
Should i combine them with testosterone?
34 years old, 5’9’’ 174 pounds
Can you give me a list of supplements that I can take during my post Cycle Therapy after my steroid stack which was just 12 weeks of testosterone 500 mg a week.
I don't want to lose my hard-fought results that I put on
The stuff is super expensive it's about $150
it's called Alpha test stack
Its got 1 bottle of methyl-test testosterone support
And it has epi test, epi andro
Worth it or nah?
28 years old
184 pounds
Tired of the roller coaster of cycling, just want to do the B&C for a year
My plan was 1.5g of gear for a cycle
Then cruising for 12 weeks , then back on for 15 weeks and so on
What is a good cruising dosage of testosterone