32 years old, 205 lb and 5 ft 11
I just spent a year cruising at 200 MGS a week
what is my next option as far as blasting?
Would 500mgs trenbolone be a good blast while keeping my 200 mg going of testosterone?
or would you try something else?
I’m a big guy who likes to lift heavy
I’m doing 300+ on all my big lifts
I'm looking at using testosterone cypionate along with trenbolone enanthate
Want to stick with longer esters
Would 500mgs of each be a good dose?
I’m 33 years old, 5’8’’ 220 pounds 14% body fat
What are going to be the best things to add to a steroid stack in terms of drugs?
I have several options that i wanted to try here including T3 cyomel, clenbuterol and letrozole
My cycle is going to be:
500mgs a week testosterone cypionate
800mgs a week equipoise
30mgs a day dianabol dbol
I just started using a testosterone booster
and I am getting very angry like I want to punch the wall
is this going to be normal when you're using them or do you think they may have spiked something into the formula ?
I’m doing a 12 week cycle
I’m on week 7 and ran out of Testosterone cypionate
my friend said that I have to order the same type or it can screw up my cycle
I have an extra vial of sustanon laying here
what I be able to just swap out in instead?
26 years old, 5’10’’ 177lbs
Yo, check out my bulker from geneza pharma
I gained like 15 pounds on this
Very happy with results
Grabbed some deca durabolin and testosterone.
This stuff works!
I will be back again for my next order in the future and I'm going to definitely keep you updated.
12 weeks of greatness
I messed up my first cycle
didn’t have a proper pct in place and lost all my gains and felt awful
this time I want to do it right
first time I did deca durabolin and testosterone
this time I want to try testosterone and anadrol
what is the best cycle and pct for this?
I’m 29 years old
5’6’’ 175...
25 years old, 5’10’’ and 188 pounds
I’ve halfway through cycle and must have calculated wrong because I ran out of testosterone
I’m doing 500mgs of test and 600mgs of equipoise. I’m on week 6 of 12 weeks
what would you do in this situation? Just keep the cycle going or stop it entirely?
I seem to lose a lot of mass quickly
When I am training it comes on strong and when I use steroids it's very good. When I come off steroids they are gone fast
I'm hoping to run a steroid cycle that can bring good results quickly
Would you suggest i go about it like this?
Equipoise 500mgs a...
I tried out the geneza pharma testosterone enanthate
Got my bloodwork done on it
Was on 150mgs a week and my bloods were at 950ng/dl
Was very happy with my results
This will be my cruising dose
Looking to try something for active people
I do running everyday and a lot of stuff because i am a PE teacher
I’m currently doing 500mgs a week of testosterone cypionate
Not getting the cardio results i would like
I’m in my early 40’s and 189 pounds and 5’10’’
someone at the gym recommended I use long estered testosterone
can anyone tell me where I can find that on napsgear website and what they mean by that
any help is appreciated
I’m 25 years old and this is my first time. My friend recommended I use napsgear, says they been around a long time and...
What is the reasoning for using a testosterone booster while in
post cycle therapy?
I thought the drugs we use for pct were supposed to recover our hormones on their own
is a test booster just a way for supp companies to make money or are they worth it?
I have an idea on stacking trenbolone acetate with masteron propionate
wanted to run the idea by you all on here
tren: 200mgs a week
mast P: 250mgs a week
how much testosterone with it?
I’m 30 years old
170 pounds
what are some tips and tricks to get more sex drive on cycle?
I’m taking a sex vacation and I want to have as much sex as possible. Usually takes me a full 24 hours to reload, I want to be able to reload faster. I’m getting married next year so need to get it out now
I’m thinking of using...
I got my blood work done and my numbers are in the 300 which is pretty low for my age.
I'm in my early 30s so this is unacceptable for me to do this low already
is it possible to get testosterone levels boost naturally? Which supplements work
I'm down to 12% body fat which is lowest body-fat I've been since high school
I’m 37 years old
I'm 5 ft 7 in and I weigh approximately 170 pounds
do you think it's time for me to use masteron or do you usually wait till you cut down more?
My last cycle I did trenbolone 200mgs a week with...
I'm concerned about using sarms and what kind of effects it will have on my sex life
Me and my husband just got married and i don’t want to ruin it
I’m 6’1’’ and 185 pounds with 14% body fat, 38 years old
Never tried sarms before
The stack i wanted to get is:
Lgd4033 20mgs a day
s/4 andarine...
what do you think about the following stack for the summer?
I want to look good for the beach
I’m 6’1’’ and 12% body fat, 28 years old
trenbolone acetate 250 mg a week
testosterone propionate 150 mg a week
Masteron propionate 500mgs a week
has anyone tried this cycle and would it be a good...
Do you think it is okay for me to try trenbolone or is too soon?
I’m 27 years old
this is my 3rd time using steroids
my first cycle was testosterone only
second cycle did test with equipoise
this time want to try tren. I’m right at 205 pounds and 6’1’’