I was reading about doctors in europe prescribing different steroids for trt, especially how some are using primobolan for HIV. thought that was cool.
Do you think if i were to add in primo to trt it would require me to reduce my testosterone dosage?
Or would i keep my trt dose at 125mgs a week...
I'm looking to do my first ever steroid cycle in I am coming to you for some guidance
I'm 28 years old and I am ready for steroids
Its gonna be 12 week cycle and a 4 week pct
my question is what kind of testosterone should I use? And what source has the best testosterone overall, i don’t care...
Full disclosure I am on self TRT
So i run around 200-250mgs a week of straight testosterone
I'm 18% body fat and I'm 6'1 217 lb
I'm looking to do a steroid cycle to add to this
I'm looking hard at a couple steroids including primobolan, anavar, and masteron
Would primo 200mgs a week along...
so I have a couple different options that I want you to take a look at before I start my first cycle
I'm 26 years old 5'11 and I weigh 207 lb. my body fat is around 15%
. if I can lose some body fat and I can gain some muscle and strength that would be all I wanted
My options are
I’m currently doing test 500 a week
Deca 400 a week and EQ 1000mgs a week
I’m on week 7, Decided to get blood work done just to see what was going on
my total testosterone levels came in over 3,000
my estrogen was a normal range
in my prolactin levels were almost at zero
I am using caber twice a...
wanted to bulk up with psl. Ordered their testosterone, trenbolone and equipoise. Injecting that much gear was a bit of a pain but the gear was good to go, also experienced a lot of changes in strength. Overall i give it a high mark. nothing but the best. communication was fine they responded in...
This is my first cycle and I'm doing 200 mg of testosterone cypionate every 4 days. this is the six week I'm on it and I'm experiencing very hot Shivers and also headaches. when I go outside in the sun it's made worse
also getting some crippling neck pain. my question is what do I do? my friend...
Seems like 10 or 15 years ago everybody was using testosterone propionate. now you barely hear anybody using it on their cycle. why do you think it's falling out of favor? I swear when I use it I get less water retention unless estrogen problems. I absolutely love this stuff and don't mind...
One of the best stacks you will ever use is the anavar and testosterone stack from domestic supply
They are so spot on that i have found my new source for life!
I’m using test cyp 250mgs a week
And i’m using the anavar. Started out 40mgs a day, then upped it to 50mgs then 60mgs. Very happy with...
I’m hoping to stack 500mgs of testosterone with some other steroids with it
My goals are more lean muscle mass, loss of body fat and more libido
Last time i did 300mgs of test and had good results
This time wanted to stack either equipoise or primbolan with it
I’m thinking about doing a 16 week...
I’m looking to do masteron and want to cruise on it by adding to trt
A friend of mine did 50mgs of test and 50mgs of masteron and said it did help with libido with no sides
Do you think I could do something like that where I would drop my testosterone dose and replace it with masteron? If so...
Ordered several bottles of equipoise and testosterone from domestic supply
second time using them in the first time when fantastic as well
this time I ran the steroids for 12 weeks and I did 400 mg of each. my results were excellent I was able to put on six and a half pounds of good quality lean...
My last cycle i ran a trio of steroids
I did trenbolone 300mgs a week, testosterone enanthate 500mgs a week, and then i did winstrol 50mgs a day
This was not a good cycle for me
I ended up with major headaches the whole time, also my head hair got destroyed and its not coming back post cycle...
I was not aware that human growth hormone was so expensive so I only plan on using 1-1.5ius per day
looking to stack that with some testosterone. Test cyp or test E perhaps
I'm looking just for overall feeling better and having more energy. also looking to tap into some anti-aging benefits of a...
I'm 36 years old and I currently have low testosterone levels
my number is in the 200s and it should be at least 4 or 500 for my age
which is the best supplement for boosting total testosterone levels and also free testosterone levels
I've noticed a lack of energy and also libido dropping over...
Does anyone else just do testosterone with an occasional oral steroid here and there?
I found that just doing this has allowed me to achieve my goals. I keep growing steadily and I am improving on my strength routines as well. I also keep things fun by changing up my workouts
I'm also eating a...
I'm overweight by bodybuilding standards. I'm probably around 20% body fat and I'm looking to use steroids to help with my physique
I'm 6 ft 2 in and 270 lb. I'm very strong though in the gym I can bench over 400 lb
my main goal here is to lose body fat the also maintain my strength if that...
This is quite an expensive testosterone booster called tdrive
it's $70 per bottle and it's got only one month serving.
it's supposed to be good for amplifying muscle growth, boosting sexual health, and boosting my libido
I have been taking it now for 3 weeks and haven't seen any sort of changes...
I'm looking for the best testosterone booster that cannot only get my testosterone levels higher. they are currently in the 300s and I am in my early 50s. I refuse to get on testosterone replacement therapy don't want to deal with the injections
my doctor suggested I try a good testosterone...
I am having a hard time with my libido interactions ever since I ran my last steroid cycle
seems to be a common complaint out there but I am still in my early 30s and this shouldn't be happening to me. I got my blood work done and my testosterone levels were within range. I think that I need to...