37 yrs old, 100kg, approx 12% BF
Cycled many times before but nothing but TRT (250mg) for the last 18+ months
As we mature we learn we dont need high doses of gear or gear that has harsh side affects. I want to improve all aspects of life and health, not sacrifice health for temporary gains...
I had a question as to how anabolic steroids can mess with women when it comes to monthly Cycles?
I’m taking winstrol 5mgs and anavar 10mgs
My period didn’t happen this month. I thought it would be okay if i only ran 6 week cycles?
I’m 48 years old and concerned
Never had this issue before until I started to date around different people
I get rashes and I get issues around my jock area and it's embarrassing and makes me have to scratch myself a lot
which sarms are best for long distance runners?
I want to train for the marathon next year. I’m gonna do some half marathons and use my gps watch to train for them. Which sarms can help me and how do I take them?
I’m 52 years old and have been running for 8 years consistent
I'm currently 146 lb and 5 ft 1 in 42 years old. I was 20 pounds lighter a year ago
I need to lose some excess fat after my pregnancy
which types of steroids should I be using? And where do I get them?
my schedule changed a little bit and now I'm waking up earlier to go to the gym about 30 minutes. I'm pretty tired usually and I like to have my morning coffee. Is there something that I could take pre-workout to give me a little more of a boost than just coffee
I worked an expo and we went to a bodybuilding competition and there were female athletes and I was mesmerized at how beautiful they loved
i’m looking at how vascular they were. How do they do that? What are they taking?
I’m 5’2’’ 125lbs. I am not the skinniest but also pretty lean i think...
which juices can I drink during my workout if I want to get more muscle and recovery for after
a friend of mine wanted me to try his stuff he got. Its like a lemon flavor and tasted awful. It was from amway. I spit it out
Evolutionary.org 500 - The Big 500 episode - anniversary! Thank you guys
I'm spending way too much money on supplements and it's getting out of hand
I looked up how much I spent and it's around three to four hundred dollars
I don't need to use as much right?
what are the Bare Essentials that I should be using
Hello! I've been trying to lose weight for quite some time, i'm in the corner of obese. I weigh 93 kilograms and i am 1,79 cm tall. And 34% body fat.
I've tried one meal a day, but my partner told me that that doesn't work and that it is really unhealthy.
Does anyone have any tips? or do you...
Evolutionary.org Episode 491 Caller has questions and East German Steroid Secrets.
Evolutionary.org Episode 490 Ricky V Rock revisits some great past shows you need to hear.
Evolutionary.org Episode 489 Bodybuilding deaths continue and social media backlash.
Evolutionary.org 488 Poll of Steroid users reveals information about how they are being used.