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Is Serena Williams juicing?

BronzedGoddess said:
I watched the US Open and I do not see what all the fuss is about. The picture of Serena on here is of her in mid swing. When she's not hitting the ball her arms are not that hard. Her and her sister look like athletic women. In highschool we had girls that looked like that and I don't believe any of them were juicing. Look at Serenas legs. They are like most athletic black women. Very muscular but not really cut. IMO the men that are making a big deal over this are insecure that a woman can be strong and powerful without AS.

Yes, but her serve was clocked at 123MPH!!!

When i was playing provincial tennis up in Canada when i was
18, mine was clocked at 119MPH and I weighed 30lbs more
than she does now!!!

Sampras' serve only goes 135 MPH. Serena's is just
10% slower.

Thats just not possible.

Plus, from reading about how maniacal their dad is, I wouldn't
put AAS use past him.

I used a picture of Serena in midswing because its hard to tell how muscular someone is when relaxed. Thats why competitors FLEX at bodybuilding shows, to show exactly how large and hard their muscles are.

I thought I'd post a picture of a regular female tennis player (anna) in midswing so that you can see the HUGE difference to Serena.


How is a Anna supposed to compete with this MONSTER.

BronzedGoddess said:
I watched the US Open and I do not see what all the fuss is about. The picture of Serena on here is of her in mid swing. When she's not hitting the ball her arms are not that hard. Her and her sister look like athletic women. In highschool we had girls that looked like that and I don't believe any of them were juicing. Look at Serenas legs. They are like most athletic black women. Very muscular but not really cut. IMO the men that are making a big deal over this are insecure that a woman can be strong and powerful without AS.

I'll say it again---serena has put on over 10 pounds in a year----Steroids are used for more things then just getting hard---your saying that when she doesn't hit the ball, her arms don't look hard----Thats your basis of why she is not on gear------come on------have you ever watched a strong man comp? how many of them are hard as nails? not many--how many are on more gear then could fill a truck(most)

imo --your basing your theory that she is not on gear because men don't think women can be powerful without AS------very Niave'------and the serenas of the world are not a dime a dozen even though you stated how you had girls in high school that looked like her-----thats a stretch....the chix is put together and I think where the problem lies is in women or men who say she's not that big etc...of course the only women who would say that are ones that are either into bodybuilding/weight lifting and are comparing themselves to her......fact is she is pro tennis player---not a bodybuilder----but I would bet the house that if she took 2-3 years off and trained and dieted, she would be a top 10 national competitor(bodybuilding)that is hard for women who compete to swallow esp. if they have been doing this for so long and are not top 10 being insecure--hardly---uneducated being naive--probably----peace
Good point Wombat, if Serena started training she'd be winning bodybuilding comps left and right. Hell, I've been to a few local shows, and Serena could EASILY have won just the way she is NOW, LOL.

My money says she's juiced to the eyeballs.

I don't think any less of her just because she is on roids though. Thats the nature of sports competition. However, what it means is that other girls are going to have to start juicing and bulking up to be able to compete, which is a shame. Women's tennis was a place that cute feminine chicks had a chance of winning, but no longer. Serena has up'ed the ante.
Haz said:
Good point Wombat, if Serena started training she'd be winning bodybuilding comps left and right. Hell, I've been to a few local shows, and Serena could EASILY have won just the way she is NOW, LOL.

My money says she's juiced to the eyeballs.

I don't think any less of her just because she is on roids though. Thats the nature of sports competition. However, what it means is that other girls are going to have to start juicing and bulking up to be able to compete, which is a shame. Women's tennis was a place that cute feminine chicks had a chance of winning, but no longer. Serena has up'ed the ante.

its no secret that jennifer caprieti wouldn't even be playing at the pro level without the help of gear.....although she has denied use, if one reads between the lines she has made comments to contrary.......When asked if she would be for steroid testing in the sport ---she has always said no way----very interesting considering she was busted in the past for rec-drug use.....One would think that she would be for drug testing considering her backround-----but it obvious to anyone who is listening why she and most others are against testing....

i'm with you, i don't think any less of athletes using---hell most medals in the olympics are won with guys all geared up or at the very least more GH in their system to kill a cat.....if more and more people get the heads up of whats going on, steroids just may be more excepted in our society------hell who on earth would have ever thunk that we would see commericals on T.V. about pills that make your dick hard in such an insecure society....
hell who on earth would have ever thunk that we would see commericals on T.V. about pills that make your dick hard in such an insecure society....

LOL LOL that was hilarious!

There are so many good points here, but i think that even if the girls are juicing or not juicing they play a damn good game! I've watched plenty of matches, and Serena especially impresses me. They are not the most attractive woman in the world but tennis isn't a beauty contest. They are there to play hard and win hard period. Seems to be that they are accomplishing their goals, so good for them! Rock on!!!!!

As far as Anna goes, in my opinion i think she is very pretty and "cute" tell you the truth, when i watch the sisters play i get a rise outta watching them blow their opponents outta the water, whe i watch Anna play, it's more watching her. So, in a beauty contest kinda way she's EXCELLENT!!! but sports id rather stick to the sisters..

Brad pitt is over rated in my book, and Keanue is tooo leanky gross! :freak:
I put on 12 pounds in 8 weeks in basic training. Was I on gear? NO! Oh and my bf% went down.
Maybe a thread like this belongs on C&C, not the womens board. We celebrate strength in women.
Haz said:
I used a picture of Serena in midswing because its hard to tell how muscular someone is when relaxed. Thats why competitors FLEX at bodybuilding shows, to show exactly how large and hard their muscles are.

I thought I'd post a picture of a regular female tennis player (anna) in midswing so that you can see the HUGE difference to Serena.


How is a Anna supposed to compete with this MONSTER.


i think alot of the difference you see is genetics
LOL! Is Serena Williams juicing? I'd only be shocked if it was proven she was not on!
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