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Zink Aspartat
A great many hard-training athletes and bodybuilders are actually deficient in the essential mineral Zinc Aspartate. Endvidere, Zinkmangel er udbredt i hele verden, herunder USA. Både alvorlige og moderate mangler zink er positivt korreleret med lavere testosteron niveauer hos mænd. Og mens Zinkmangel har vist sig at sænke dine testosteron niveauer, Zinktilskud er blevet korreleret med en stigning i testosteronniveauer. Faktisk, hypogonadisme (decreased natural testosterone production) kan faktisk være resultatet af ikke at have nok zink i kosten. Kosten zink niveauer korrelerer også positivt med niveau af testosteron i kroppen, hvilket betyder, at det væsentlige, den mere zink i kroppen, jo højere dit niveau af testosteron typisk vil være.
Hvornår zink er ikke indtages i tilstrækkelige niveauer, the body produces reduced amounts of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) secreted from the pituitary. Men\'s gonads (testikler) stimuleres af dette hormon (LH), causing the glorious burst of anabolic goodness when your testosterone is released into your body.
Zinc participates in over 500 different biochemical reactions in the body and therefore has widespread effects. Zinc is an essential trace element important for optimal testosterone production and release and it is even important for fertility. By enhancing its effect on testosterone and the local environment inside the testes, zinc helps to increase sperm count and makes sperm more energetic by enhancing motility.
For combating the estrogen epidemic, Zinc lowers your levels of aromatase, the enzyme which converts testosterone to estrogen in fatty tissue and the liver. This is how zinc keeps more testosterone circulating freely in the bloodstream.
While many of the top sources of zinc are bodybuilder favorites like seafood, meat, og æg, the average intake is rarely sufficient for the athlete, body composition or otherwise. The problem starts with absorption from these same food stuffs estimated as low as a dismal 2%, dependent upon the food it is eaten with. Additional bodybuilder favorites like fiber from vegetables and grains, proteins and certain minerals found in usual mixed meals all can impact zinc absorption in a negative way.
All this makes supplementation with zinc a no-brainer. Endnu, the most common form of zinc available in supplemental form is zinc sulfate, the form used in many multivitamins. Although it’s the least expensive zinc supplement and thereby the primary choice of manufacturers, it is also the least easily absorbed and can upset the stomach. Of all the mineral salts available, Zinc Aspartate formulations are the best absorbed.
Here\'s some links where you can discuss Zink Aspartat på den Forums.
Are you zinc deficient? Hvis så, supplementing could raise your testosterone level.
How much Zinc do you guys take daily to make bigger loads!
Zinc the natural test booster?
What\'s The Highest Absorbable Form Of Zinc?
How much Zinc & Magnesium post cycle?
ZINC, The most crucial nutrient while on cycle.
Anybody take alot of zinc and find it to be very important component to cycles?
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