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question on Testoviron test and water retention


New member
hey guys, i am wondering if you could all give me your experiences with Testoviron and water retention that it gave you. i plan on running a test only cycle of 500mg/week and include arimidex at 1mg eod for 10 weeks. what can i expect in terms of water retention and becoming bloated. thanks for the help
blown93302 said:
"Testoviron and water retention...500mg/week and include arimidex at 1mg eod for 10 weeks. what can i expect in terms of water retention and becoming bloated"

My last cycle consisted of 500mg Scherring Testoviron stacked with 400mg TKYO EQ for 9 weeks with 1 mg Astra-Zeneca Arimidex EOD. I encountered literally zero bloat but... as with everything in this game, it's all based on each individuals unique physiology and on-cycle behaviors. I did not make "internet gains" but it was a quality cycle.

BTW - Excellent choice on the test. If I use Testoviron in the future I will go to either 250mgs E3D or maybe a straight 750mg p/ week x 10 weeks. I have to dick around with niles at 750mg on my next run though because...that's what I got.

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