I have posted this recovery cycle many times. Since this is a new category, I will repost. This recovery cycle works 100% of the time. In extreme cases, it actually needs to be done twice. This recovery cycle is predicated on the fact that the athlete has something to recover. Baseline blood testing of testosterone levels, estradiol levels, and prolactin levels will tell the athlete the whole story. If the athlete's baseline Testos levels are low to low-normal of the range, then recovery is a waste of time. If the athlete's levels are in the middle, then a recovery cycle may be worth it to see the body's reaction.
Begin this cycle the week after last AAS intake.
Weeks one thru three: 1,000U HCG, IM, Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 20mg Nolvadex daily. [50mg clomid daily is added to the cycle if the athlete is coming off a prolonged (12 week+), 600mg+total, weekly AAS dosing (heavy)].
Weeks four thru six: 20mg Nolvadex daily. (50mg Clomid daily if you used it the first three weeks)
Weeks seven, eight: clean. Use this time to evaluate your previous AAS cycle and your recovery. Begin planning your next AAS cycle.
I have posted the following statement a million times, and still 95% of the steroid athletes ignore it: "Blood testing is essential to determine your baseline, see how your body reacts and to see if you recover."
The medications for this cycle are readily available, so there is no excuse. Remember, the antiestrogens and recovery meds are just as important (or more so) than the AAS.
Begin this cycle the week after last AAS intake.
Weeks one thru three: 1,000U HCG, IM, Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 20mg Nolvadex daily. [50mg clomid daily is added to the cycle if the athlete is coming off a prolonged (12 week+), 600mg+total, weekly AAS dosing (heavy)].
Weeks four thru six: 20mg Nolvadex daily. (50mg Clomid daily if you used it the first three weeks)
Weeks seven, eight: clean. Use this time to evaluate your previous AAS cycle and your recovery. Begin planning your next AAS cycle.
I have posted the following statement a million times, and still 95% of the steroid athletes ignore it: "Blood testing is essential to determine your baseline, see how your body reacts and to see if you recover."
The medications for this cycle are readily available, so there is no excuse. Remember, the antiestrogens and recovery meds are just as important (or more so) than the AAS.