This dude, actually a neighbor of mine who lives down the street, came in wearing tight spandex shorts (really short ones too ... ugh ...) and a big ass sweatshirt. He's also like ... 150 pounds, at the most. Gross.
there was a guy who would wear these tight blue sweat shorts and a matching name for him was "Blueberry Butt"
then another dude (who actually had a pretty impressive physique, and even did squats ) would wear a pair of very short pink and black striped spandex shorts, and a string tank top.....
Evaluation of vapor permeation through garments during exercise:
R. R. Gonzalez and K. Cena
Five males [age 28 +/- 8 yr; maximum O2 uptake (VO2max) 50 +/- 6 ml O2 . kg-1 . min-1; body wt 70 +/- 3 kg; DuBois surface area 1.85 +/- 0.02 m2] exercised on a cycle ergometer, placed on a Potter scale, at 31% VO2max for up to 2 h at an ambient temperature (Ta) of 25 degrees C and a dew-point temperature of 15 degrees C. Air movement was varied from still air to 0.4 and 2 m/s. Each subject, in separate runs, wore a track suit (TS ensemble) of 60% polyester-40% cotton (effective clo = 0.5); a Gortex parka (GOR ensemble), covering a sweat shirt and bottom of TS (effective clo = 1.4); or the TS ensemble covered by polyethylene overgarment (POG ensemble). Esophageal, skin temperature (Tsk) at eight sites, and heart rate were continuously recorded. Dew-point sensors recorded temperatures under the garments at ambient and chest (windward site) and midscapular sites. Local skin wettedness (loc w) and ratio of evaporative heat loss (Esk) to maximum evaporative capacity were determined. An observed average effective permeation (Pe, W . m-2 . Torr-1) was calculated as Esk/loc w (Ps,sk - Pw), where w is the average of chest and back loc w and (Ps,sk - Pw) is the gradient of skin saturation vapor pressure at Tsk and Ta. Additionally, the local effective evaporative coefficient was determined for chest and back sites by Esk/(Ps,dpl - Pw). The GOR ensemble produced an almost as high a Pe as the TS ensemble (82-86% of Pe with TS in still air and 0.4- and 2-m/s conditions). Direct dew-point recording offers an easy practical dimension to the study of efficacy of latent heat loss and skin wettedness properties through garments.
my favorite are the local gym bb that live by the bible (flex mag) and the begin to imitate the ridiculous outfits the pro's wear for their photoshoots. They wear workboots with stripped mc hammer pants and a plaid lumberjack with the sleeves cut off. and the american flag do rag....spicy
I'll never forget the conversation about Crazee pants that I had with Nature Boy when he was in town. We were eating after training, and somehow the subject of gym fashion came up..
He said, "Don't be that guy, Project. Don't be that guy."
And those words have stayed with me to this day. Now, if I ever have a question about workout fashion, I turn to him.