i knew this guy who would kiss the dumbell at the top of his curl. Once he put a little too much effort into the curl and knocked his front teeth out!! People make me laugh
I grabbed the 110 lb dumbell off the rack to do pullovers...
I usually pull it off and let it bounce off my upper thigh and then carry it there... this time.. i missed and drilled myself right in the balls..... I was lying on the floor for like 5 minuts... I actually went to the bathroom just to make sure i didnt rupture anything...
About six years ago when baggy gym pants were in style. I was walking past a bench and the bar got cought in the pocket of my pants. It pulled the bar off the arm of the bench and when it fell to the floor it took my pants with it because it was stil stuck in my pocket. that sucked.
I split my workout pants right down the butt seam when I was squatting a couple months ago. My gf was working out at the time so I had her stable the seam shut, only to have them rip again on leg curls. I had to leave the gym with a sweatshirt tied around my waist.
Then there was the other time where me and a friend were loading weight on to EZ curl bar on a weight stand. I was putting a 45lb plate on the bar at what I thought was the same time he was. Well my sideof the bar came slamming down into the rack with my finger in between the plate and the rack and the other end of the bar (his side) flew up and hit him in the chin. So there I was holding a bleeding busted finger and his chin was a mess.
I dropped 455lbs on my stomach last week bench pressing. I was bring the weight down niceand controlled, when...oops, the bar rolled off my palms and fell right onto my stomach.
Broke a big toe badly by dropping a 45 directly on its edge on my toe, got distracted looking at a OSU volleyball chick in grey spandex- you could see where she was sweating lol to be 18 again .