lmao lmao...being 275lbs or whatever youre at currently...i dare you to do this bro...go workout in the mirror...smile gently but obviously through the mirror at a gorgeous girl working out next to you (about 18-20 yrs old)..then do the same thing with a girl in her mid/late 30s....report back on the 2 reactions you get...its quite interesting...
last week i was doing dumbell incline presses with the 115s...after my set i had to drop the weights because I went to failure, and a little past....but unfortunately i didnt know my 32 oz water bottle was right next to me and the damn dumbell drops right on top of the water bottle...cap goes exploding off, water everywhere...and guess where the cap flies? directly into the hip of those gorgeous blond 5 feet away at my gym that everyone knows but nobody talks to her because she is in great great shape, tanned, athletic, toned, u name it (she looks/acts shy...but shes actually quite snobby from what ive seen her do to guys, i dont think ive ever seen that woman smile once...a little water sprayed her too...i was like "oh man im sooo sorry are you alright?" looking all concerned...but she didnt even turn her face or even act like she noticed cuz she was THAT PISSED!...i cleaned up the area, couple of my friends near me blew up laughing into tears..although i guess i wont be going home with her # anytime soon...lol...