she's as good as done, might as well forget it. I bet you told her his dick was that big while you were dating, she remembered when she ran into him and gave him the "green light" attitude/ look. Just ask her to send pics and vids for us guys....
she's as good as done, might as well forget it. I bet you told her his dick was that big while you were dating, she remembered when she ran into him and gave him the "green light" attitude/ look. Just ask her to send pics and vids for us guys....
you gota be kidding....... wha HELL yeah! told them that the first time we had sex, wasn't my GF at the time, just another chick, but things don't obviously change because they become gf's, that shit only changes after you get married, then the topic looses it's luster fast. nothing to discuss after a couple of months....