So I'm roughly 3 weeks into to test infusion and can with out a doubt say I've noticed a huge improvement of sense of well being, I've also made my best improvements in physical therapy in these last few weeks which I credit with the help of TI.
Also I'm look a little leaner around my mid section (3 months on the couch not doing much and I started to bake a little muffin top lol)...also I'm up 3lbs of lean mass, even despite having a gnarly week long stomach flu!
My labido was good before TI...but there's nothing wrong with a boost there's like someone bolted a super charger on my junk...
It's a bummer I'm down to my last 10 days but I guess all good things come to en end, I have some physical therapy today and also have my workout later this evening, I'll post how I'm feeling tonight!
Thanks for reading