The thread its self is not in poor taste - it's like asking if you'd have sex with a man with a less than average sized penis - it's some of the responses that lack taste.
gracias hombre, i thought we went over my Extralard size times...
mid 30s fat percentage, mid 40s waist size, upwards of 285lbs at 6'.. pretty scary... the fact is that most people at that level of personal disarray are not attractive on multiple levels, not the least of which is that they dont find themselves in the least bit desireable... a very unattatractive trait to say the least.
Ender: why set a personal worth based on others views or attitudes toward your physical appearance? are you kidding? I have met two people in my life that i can say absolutely have no external influences that either add or detract from their self image. Are you suggesting that you are free of any societal or personal external influences that affect your view of yourself? Hmmmm.. gonna have to say HORSESHIT! on this one, with love, but HORSESHIT none the less.