As someone that packed on 30 pounds of fat after a car wreck, thought I lost an entire future in figure skating in my mind at time because of injury, depression and zero support from my coaches - I find it pretty offensive to assume that this girl - or any fatass on this board can't change themselves into their former self or a better version of themselves is disrespectful.
Take a good look around - read the women's board sometime and you'll note at least 75% of the women on this board have been FAT in someone’s eyes during some period of their lives.
Women don't say anything here because they're too damn afraid to be judged or looked down upon because even if FAT is past tense, you were once fat and someone looked at you and thought at least once "she'd be hot if she'd lose some weight".
So I'm telling you from personal experience that shit never leaves you because believe me you never want to go back to that FAT place again. Frankly, I have no problem sharing this because fat, skinny or athletic (I've been all) there’s not a person here that can judge me harsher that I already have in my life time.
OK I’m ranting, sorry.