wow...hate men? or just a bad day?
my wife wants to have more sex ,its just not me wanting sex from her. she the one who brought up taking supps and or getting checked out, not me. do i want more sex...hell ya. but im not gonna press the issue. she owns here own buissness ,has a 3 yr old and not to mention all our pets and what not. i know shes got alot on her plate ,and i do my best to help her out and give her any and all support i can.
your post did nothing to help out nor did it give any advice, but only showed that you either hate men, or had a bad day and took your shit out on a forum.
You know, I just reread MM's original response to your question, and then reread your subsequent dismissal of her perspective. You're well out of order here.
What exactly was the man-hating part of that post? Suggesting that for women, sex is from the neck up?
It's so true, and while it doesn't exclude a purely physical desire for sex (just wanting to get off), sex does require being able to a)focus (and not be distracted by toddlers, what happened at work, what's for dinner, etc etc.), b)have a positive self-image (feeling sexy), and c) not be too tired to do anything but just go to sleep.
Supps aren't going to do all that. PT-141 might give you the physical desire, but it takes more than that.
And the side effects of post-nasal drip, nausea, and vomiting? Not sexy at all.

It could very well be that your wife is pressurizing herself to have more sex at a time when she is not capable of doing so without taking action.
A trip to the doctor is a good place to start, for sure, but if her self-image is bad, that is a sex-killer right there.
Giving her the time to exercise more would be a very loving, supportive way you could help her get back on track.
Pfft! PT-141 seems to be going up in smoke
Female Sexual Dysfunction: Epidemic or Manufactured Problem?