Back when I was taking all of my methods statistical research and models of social science research courses, I found considerable critique and scepticism towards sex research studies that use surveys and questionnaires. There are a multitude of reasons why the results of any survey or study regarding sexuality can be sqewed or even flat out not representive of the population in genereal.
None the less, one analsysis of the various sexuality studies that I read indicated that women were more likely to give false answers to sexual survey questions than were men. Unlike the testing instruments used in assessing mental health and addiction, by and large there are no quesitons in these studies designed to weed out subjects who are trying to fool the assessments or to manipulate the data.
Now some of the feminists in the field tried to sell this as a left over from society not allowing women to be open with their sexuality. Personally I call BS on this one. The surveys were all confidential, and it would be exremely difficult to match any one set of answers to a given woman in the study.
The key question became, why are significantly more women than men not willing to tell the truth about their sexuality when given the opportunity to do so in complete annominity.
So with this in mind, are men or are women more prone to lie about the number of people that they have had sex with when they answer in complete annominity. We have all heard/read to adnauseaum why men allegedly lie on these studies, so lets discuss why women do.
None the less, one analsysis of the various sexuality studies that I read indicated that women were more likely to give false answers to sexual survey questions than were men. Unlike the testing instruments used in assessing mental health and addiction, by and large there are no quesitons in these studies designed to weed out subjects who are trying to fool the assessments or to manipulate the data.
Now some of the feminists in the field tried to sell this as a left over from society not allowing women to be open with their sexuality. Personally I call BS on this one. The surveys were all confidential, and it would be exremely difficult to match any one set of answers to a given woman in the study.
The key question became, why are significantly more women than men not willing to tell the truth about their sexuality when given the opportunity to do so in complete annominity.
So with this in mind, are men or are women more prone to lie about the number of people that they have had sex with when they answer in complete annominity. We have all heard/read to adnauseaum why men allegedly lie on these studies, so lets discuss why women do.