Made my day to day life complete shit. I had bad joint pains, my temper was just horrible, I had trouble sleeping, I go an oily face and acne on my chest and stomach (only time ive ever had acne on my chest or stomach from aas) I was so miserable I diddnt even want to train half the time the irritability was brutal. I tried it again two years later thinking perhaps it was dirty gear or something but nope, name brand pharmaceutical grade stuff did the same things to me. I would get bad night sweats too. At the end of the cycle it hurt like hell to piss too you know a drug is hard on you dosage was 50mg ed i believe. My blood pressure was way up too at the end of that cycle, this was oral winstrol. Not a good steriod for me.
Halo on the other hand, man oh man. First time I tried it i thought i had struck gold, it gave me insane strength and agression, but not a constantly pissed off agression more of a focused and get shit done agression. I ran 30mg per day and it was great. My liver enzymes diddnt think so but the rest of me did lol. I am one of the very few people who gained weight with this compound, i got an 8lb hit from halotestin. I believe this was because of the creatine, glutamine, and strive vitimin pack i was taking along with the huge proten intake, and low fats, i turned my huge strength gains into soild muscle gains. I would get sore tendons sometimes but the creatine helped me there by putting on just a slight ammount of water near the end of the cycle. hardly noticable even by pinching points. overall, its probablly my favorite oral with Var running a close second.