I agree with everyone who posted that said steriods last (if ever) but first serious training. I lifted hard for amost 8 years before my first cycle. Gained about 20-25 pounds of actual muscle using just excercize, diet, rest, and my ovaries.
People i notice hugely overstate the toxicity of 17AA orals. Certainly there is some pressure put on the liver but up to 10mg ED is not going to cause any problems at all for 3-4 months use, if your liver is healthy.
Not true. These drugs are both 17-aa and are tough on the liver, wether injected or taken orally.
The liver takes the first share of anything coming the small intestine. It is attached there by the portal vien so if something is alkylated then the liver gets the heaviest amount of it. If something goes into the body IM then there is no going throught the PV and does not put pressure on it at all. I did not mention that D-bol was also 17AA because i dont think tracey should even think of using it.
Winstrol also lowered my voice while giving me very good strength/size gains so it is not my favorite. This one should always be used in very careful amounts.
Not exactly...sorry don't have the specifics, but the concentration is not even, it peaks.
Wasnt trying to be exact, just giving a basic estimate. Didnt think tracey needed all that detail at this point. Halflifes decay, the oxidation of the drug begins to slow within hours of injection. If a halflife is 24 hours this does not mean that in 48 the drug is gone. The rate start at the highest then continues to slow down.
My last comment tracey is that AAS are not needed for you to build a noticable amount of muscle and lose fat. You can do it without them and with NO side effects. No need to worry about what to take, how much to take, side effects, your source,all these things. Natural lifting can work for your goals , it will just take a bit longer.