THis is coming from someone who used to have a eating disorder and thought she new how to eat to be thin!!
Eating less does not = skinny..firm body...
it actually will cause you to lose fat right along w/ lean tissue as you are losing fat but muscle as looks flabby and gross..and no matter how skinny you will always appear flabby and gross!!!
Doing mass amounts of cardio..doesnt DO SHIT!!!! Yes you will burn some calories..and again you will lose some fat..but right along w/ your muscle..NOT A GOOD IDEA!
Proper nutrition is so important and women are constantly misunderstand this by reading these magazines and seeing models on the runway..I am telling you from experienc 90% of the models you see have drug addictions and eating disorders..they starve and do coke or some other type of drug..
Being ghastly skinny is NOT ATTRACTIVE! nor is it healthy at all...You can not function properly or obtain a body you desire eating 3 times a day and not incorporating strength training.
WOmen lose muscle mass every year as they get older, you need to stop this process...or you will be a pile of mush!
Women also need good strong bone density to prevent osteoporosis...strength training does this!
Women can fight back pain and arthritis w/ strength training.
You will not get big or bulky!! You do NOT have the hormones to do this at all!!!
It will improve your MENTAL HEALTH..great for stress...depression and so on..take a day at the gym instead of taking meds!
Strength training will increase your metabolism..burn more calories at rest...have more lean tissue...lower bodyfat..lower BMI...You will lose inches..stay off the scales! they mean nothing and it is ONLY A NUMBER!
Strength training and proper diet will increase your energy levels...more endurance for daily activities.
Would you rather look like Kate Moss or Monica Brant..if I took a pole and asked men which they would prefer..I guarantee it would be Monica..she is not huge...has meat on her body and some muscle to her....
You need to eat 5-6 times a day..1-1.5 grams of protein per lb...1 gallon of water a day...complex carbs like oatmeal, yams, rice and veggies..healthy fats...a good multi vitamin...a good training each body part 1 time a week HEAVY! Low-to moderate cardio...and plenty of good rest