bigdollarallo said:
I am sure this goes for several of our elite bros but my question is, why is it that some of you people who AREN'T BIG, leave the gym walking like you are BIG(ala Cutler, Coleman) etc.
I see these 18-25 year old kids, 160lbs with there wifebeaters walking out of the gym doing what I call the "gorilla walk" and its almost embarassing, these must be the same bros that come to the site and say uh can I get a source, I know I just registered here 4 minutes ago, or yeah if I take dbol only will that work cause I am scared of needles, fucking dumbass
My morning vent.
*Nods* Lots of kids do that. ILS or "imaginary lat syndrome," carrying luggage, "walking like Frankenstein"...pretty typical stuff. Their egos are very fragile as, say, 13-19 year olds. They're trying hard to look big and strong because other peoples' opinions
define who they are.
It is annoying, definitely, but I'll forgive a kid of this 9.9 times in 10. What's far more annoying is when a grown man, especially over 30 or 40, pulls this bullshit.
There's a clown at my gym who does this. He's a big fat guy--probably has about a 46" waist, nary a muscle visible on his body. He's at least 40 years old, has very long stringy hair but is bald on top. He also wears lots of gold chains...he's about the ultimate WANNABE, some mill worker who thinks it's a step up to look like a small-time petty drug dealer.
This guy is not strong, at all and, come to think of it, I've never seen him lift one free weight. He coughs alot. But boy, let him do a few sets of whatever--leg curls, shoulder press, it doesn't matter--and he'll strut over to the water fountain with THE most insane ILS I've ever seen. (Amazing, isn't it? He gets a big lat pump from leg curls

It's pretty damn retarded-looking. Thanks to nitwits like him, I've taken to just ignore everyone else in the gym as much as possible, aside from the handful of hard trainers and nice guys and gals (especially gals

But that guy is hard to ignore. His ridiculous walk is enough to make you laugh at him on the spot. Still, it strikes me as mostly just incredible...especially when he proceeds to waddle around and hit on every women in the gym like he's got a pair.