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Why the GOP must be stopped

simply dave is the first person here i've ever seen here who is truly educated in U.S foreign policy over the decades and doesn't regurgitate pre rendered boiler plate talking someone else, ryhmes with monkey....dammit it's on the tip of my tongue.


Clinton sat on his ass on alot of shit but let's put all bullshit aside...he didn't preside over the formation and arming up of al quida. I still beleive flight 800 was shot down by one of those stingers we let out into afghanistan back in the 80's by good ole Ollie North.

"According to his FBI report, witness 649 observed a red-pink projectile leaving a whitish smoke trail like a firework ascending into the sky from behind the tree line. It slowly rose straight up and then turned to the right, accelerating and wiggling as it flew away in a southwest direction. It became smaller, almost disappearing as it ascended and approached another object (Flight 800). It looked like it would slightly miss the other object, then there was a white flash and puff of smoke. The firework took about 6 to 7 seconds to travel from the tree line to the other object. Two smoke trails arched up out of the puff of smoke and eventually became an expanding ball of fire that descended behind the tree line. [7] Flight 800 comes into view above slowly in order to reflect the witness's stated non-awareness of it until the projectile was closing in.

Witness 649 was facing south and the projectile crossed his field of vision from left to right, the opposite direction of Flight 800's course as he would see it. This opposition is the case in every eyewitness sketch in this report. The next two graphics are animated sketches from FBI witness 530 (left) and Donald Eick (right), whose account and sketch this author found in the reading-room computer at the National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB) headquarters." [8]

that shit got covered up sorry...and that was no unguided old soviet rocket that u always see some wife beater wearing arab strutting around with that has a 50/50 chance of blowing up in the cylinder. That thing acheived altitude "then" went hunting....

I think its more likely that what witness 649 saw was a missile from one of our own fighter jets that were given the order to shoot down the plane before the hijackers could crash into their target.
neither here nor there but Im enjoying this little tidbit honestly

Ann Romney's High Horse

Yeah I think the Romneys cheated someone there, and got caught. But its possible that the trainer did the drugging without the Romneys knowledge, because he got a percentage of the sale.

The dressage horse business is nasty business. Horses worth hundreds of thousands suddenly start limping and are worth nothing. My daughter would have been in that competition in New Jersey the Romney horse was just in, but her horse went lame one week before we were going to ship it. (plane ticket for a horse - yikes). She also qualified for the world game in 2010, and then... her horse went lame. Poor girl.
People drug up these horses to pass the vet tests, so they can dump them while they still have a chance to recover some of their investment.
My daughter trains out there in Del Mar, and was interviewed by the press about that Romney situation. Pretty scandalous, but unfortunately pretty common.
Why stop at the GOP. I think our whole democratic system needs to be stopped, or at the very least re-worked.

-Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

-When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.

-They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty.
Why stop at the GOP. I think our whole democratic system needs to be stopped, or at the very least re-worked.

Who said anything about stopping with the GOP? That's just where I want to start.

And here's another homily for you:

-Capitalism is not a peaceful religion.
Who said anything about stopping with the GOP? That's just where I want to start.

And here's another homily for you:

-Capitalism is not a peaceful religion.

Capitalism is an economic system not a religion. People will worship the almighty dollar no matter what economic system there is.
There is no peaceful religion by the way.
Romney is worth 250M and he pays 14% and that is only because he overpaid knowing he would have to disclose..

Bullshit. He paid his original state and federal taxes on his original gains, than paid 14% on his dividend gains when he reinvested his money. Unlike Obama's jobs czar, who is CEO of General Electric, which paid no taxes. Or Warren Buffett, who still owes $1 Billion in unpaid backtaxes. Romney paid under what the current federal tax laws allow when you factor in donations to non-profits.

the poor don't pay federal taxes, but pay out of their ass in local taxes.. sales taxes, taxes on cig/alcohol, property taxes through their rent...

The problem with the poor is that most of the "local taxes" you claim they pay comes from an ever-increasing amount of Section 8 housing vouchers, EBT cards, food stamps, and subsidized financial help....that comes from the tax payers. This year alone, the government is paying out $80 billion for EBT cards alone.

Here in Maine, we see assholes buying lobster and steak with their EBT cards.

This country used to have 16 taxpayers to every 1 person receiving help. We are now at 1 taxpayer to every 1 person receiving help.

the solution is cut local taxes by giving more money to local governments and tell them if they don't cut local taxes you will cut off federal money, cut federal taxes on the middle class (payroll taxes which the R's are against), and close loopholes so the rich can't cheat the system..

Like the government scammers on the local level are going to allow that. Governement in whole is too large when you count local, state, federal, in some places you can add county. Salaries drawn by mayors, city managers, etc would have to be drastically cut....and those assholes would never allow it.

and if some rich fuck sends millions to the caymans charge their ass a fee to transfer that money

Like a SWIFT transfer fee that banks charge...and have to report any transfer over $10000?

Banking in the US is a bitch. HNWI's get better interest rates and access to better pools of rated EMTN's offshore. Anyone with a shitload of cash and a brain is not going to keep their funds in Bank of America when you can use BNP Paribas Suisse in Switzerland.
^^^ huh?? romney only released his past 2 years tax returns. he refused to release anything before that.

so how can you say he paid on his original gains? he probably paid very little or no taxes on that .. there are so many loopholes in the tax system that favor the ultra rich that its easy to get away with paying little to no taxes if you aren't a salaried employee getting a paycheck .

between setting up trusts, setting up S corporations, moving money overseas, hiring the best accountants and tax attorney's its easy to avoid federal taxes if you are rich. surprised you didn't know that. its not so easy when you get a paycheck every week and get a W2 showing much you made.

why the anger towards poor people who spend their money away? who cares.. they are putting that money back into the economy when they spend it on food. i have a tenant on social security who uses his money for his rent to me. then i turn around and spend that money on things.. in a service based economy that is how it works
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