Oh this shit was funny to read. I am recovering from a slight tear in my labrum and couldn't even read a bout all you people working out. So I am almost back to working out and wanted to catch up on the forums, so I am back....
Needto- Suck it up man!!! In the last 12 months, I did my eyebrow- on vacation, then proceeded to do my lower lip and TONGUE the same damn day. Talk about shit pain....I took the tongue out a few weeks ago, and the lip soon followed, turned out, my daughter didnt like to kiss daddy with a lip ring, she is only 3, so I had to give in. Then I went back and got both nipples done. It is pain yes, but if you like the look, or your wife likes the feel, then deal with it bro! Try the nipples dude, I couldnt raise my my arms above my head for about 6 hours afterwards LOL...
Seriously tho- it does hurt, and not eating for days sucks! Good luck