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fyxgel said:I understand it all right, I just question why things are the way that they are.
you are still having the problem with feeling like if you do or say something to attract a woman, that you haven't done before, you feel like you aren't being "yourself"
you're wondering why you should have to learn to do something a certain way and why won't people just like you for you
you think that if you do something "different" you are being "fake"
if I saw you bench pressing with a 100 lb. dummbell in one arm, and a 40 lb. dumbell in the other, and you couldn't figure out why you keep flipping off the bench and banging yourself in the head, then I told you that you have to use the same weight on each side or you won't balance, and it suddenly works, are you a different person? are you being fake?
no, you just know a better way now.
you are still you, who else could you be?
that's what you need to get a grip on, but you are a ways off.