you're out of your fuckin immature mind.
the world is full of disrespectful assholes. these people don't have respect
for themselves. a mature confident man doesn't personalize their words
to the point of engaging them in a physical fight.
if someone is breaking into your home or getting physical then you have
a right to defend yourself. if someones runnin' their mouth, you may be
hangin' out in the wrong places with the wrong peeps. either way, violence
must be a last resort.
peeps don't talk shit to me, prolly cause i'm bigger and leaner then 99.99%
of men and i don't hang out in white trash - thug settings. i've been involved
in martial arts for 34 yrs and i know a thing or two about violence. i've seen
it at levels on par with combat vets and it aint nuthin you want to be involved
in, if you have half a brain.