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TraxZBT said:alright don't rip me for thiss.. but it's only what someone told mee.. and this guy is pretty massive so i'll take his wordd for it.. he told me that when you work out your legs, they release a hormone to the rest of your body as apposed to not working them.. case and point.. work out legs along with upper body = get bigger than you would working upper body without legs.. anyone ever heard this before? think of a tree with a massive top... but a pencil for a trunk.. that be something to see.. anywayz.. yeah work out legs or look like an idiot in the future..
No one who knows anything about lifting is going to rip on you for this comment because it is 100% true. You can make gains in your upper body without doing legs no doubt, but you will gain more in your upper and lower body if you do movements like squats.
Curls+skull crushers= above average arms
Curls+skull crushers+SQUATS=HUGE arms