I don't know about that, rez. I mean, our bodies have been primed since we crawled out of the sludge aeons ago to use glucose for fuel first. I suppose individual adaptation occurs, as seen in folks who do Atkins then start eating carbs again. But if you take it slowly and carefully you shouldn't have too much of a problem.
And obviously, if you have a high carb day, you should drop the fat accordingly, since probably the fat will go to fat if there are a bunch of carbs in there WITH it.
You might try increasing starchy carbs by 20g or so per day, rather than suddenly bumping them up by, like, 100.
I've found that eating starchy-like carbs such as pumpkin and corn and carrots allows me to still eat a lot, and still get the starchy carbs, but not have them super high, like they would be with just a small piece or two of sweet potato or something. This helped a great deal after my comp when I was a seriously hungry girl. Filled me up, and they're tasty. I eat oatmeal in the morning, pumpkin etc for a few more meals, some broccoli, other fibrous vegs, then starchy carbs pre and post workout. Granted, I'm "bulking", not cutting, but this helps me not go nuts on the calories. I haven't gained fat nearly as fast as I did last time. I think r-ala may have contributed to that too, when I was eating junk post-comp.
Anyway, I think it's a good idea to mix things up and vary them occasionally. Bodybuilding should put us in control of how our bodies look, not make us slaves and prisoners to food, working out, etc.
I don't know about your final question, but ultimately it comes down to calories in vs calories out. Maybe a few fewer calories in when carbs are higher.