i enjoy training alone while listening to music, when i lift w/ a partner i feel rushed for some reason, the only thing that sucks is finding someone i trust to spot me
I train alone.....that makes all my hobbies a one man job!
I dont need anyone to train. I hate training with other people....espc if i have a different goal. i dont feed off other peoples energy. I feel the opposite. I dont like talking when i train.
all you need is goals....goals (both short and long) become motivation
I do, he's a friend of mine, and it's a total pain in the ass. He just decides to miss workouts because he got too drunk the night before, or is "too sore," or some other excuse. Really sucks on Sunday mornings when I'm trying to bench and there isn't anyone else in the gym to ask for a spot..
Oh, and he insists on using the same weight as me, on every lift, almost no matter what. He weighs almost twice what I do.
I don't even know where I'd begin finding a new partner.
Training partners are only good for one thing - spotting.
Other than that I prefer to train alone, its just more flexible, and its hard to get someone who is on the same page as you are training, strength and mental wise
Training partners are only good for one thing - spotting.
Other than that I prefer to train alone, its just more flexible, and its hard to get someone who is on the same page as you are training, strength and mental wise
same with me most of the ppl i train with want to just get big or they dont want to do all the good fun stuff to get where they want to be (cleans, snatch, squats)
for me, alone at home. it has its advantages but also its disadvantages, for example; no spotter, no-one to check my form, etcetera etcetera. but i can listen to my own music, work in my own tempo, etcetera.
I have 3 or 4 buddies who train at my gym..
I generally work out with at least one of them... however I have absolutely no problem working out by myself.