She might not be russian, chicks like going to clubs for the attention and all that. But if you were convinced she is, then why stay with her? Just cuz hes good looking?
Anyways, this is a hard topic to pick a side on. I know I can stay loyal, didnt cheat on my ex of 2+ years even with offers. But in just dating, I feel its best to date lots of girls, and if you happen to come by an amazing one, then why cheat? If she can fulfill all your needs. Would never cheat on a girl truly worth it.
Other then that, is it really cheating, if its multiple girls, all of whom are retarded equally? I dont think so. Its just dating, noone important. And they are probably dating multiple guys as well anyways.
When you go to apply for a job, do you apply at one place, sit and wait for a reply and then go somewhere else and apply? Fuck no, you apply EVERYWHERE and hope you find a good one, because thats all you really need, one good one.