i worked in a strip club and it was funny watching girls come in that never danced before dance there for like 2 weeks then all of a sudden they want fake boobs because they arent making a lot of money and they truely believe thats why. i tell them its perminant thing (yea i know it can be reversed but it costs a lot of money) and that if they dont think they will be dancing as their career then dont do it. not every guy wants huge fake boobs. its like getting a tattoo because this other girl has them and she making bank. i tell them thats because her customers are into that thing, find your own customers. they never listen.
for me no i have not been with a woman that had fake boobs. im not a fan of them and after seeing so many fugged up boob jobs at the club im not any closer to wanting to be with one that has fake boobs.
now some of the good boob jobs look real as hell. like HR's boobs, from what i see in the pics they look natural so i may make an exception.