I typically do incline dumbbells first, FLat bench, decline bench, incline cables then decline cables. Do you guys feel that decline flys would be more effective then decline bench?
I always start with flat for four working sets (not counting warm-up). For incline, I use the lowest degree of inclination possible, so that my front delts don't take over. But, no matter what, my front delts get in on the act the second I incline even a bit, so I always try to make flat bench the emphasis of my chest workout.
I always switch stuff around. Shock principal. Just like jdubs952 said keeps the muscles guessing. But when its time for flat barbbell to come around It seems I always give a little more effort for the ego thing.
Unless you have less that 5 years of training under your belt, forget the flat bench. The incline is better and just use the flat dumbell instead of the flat barbell.
I always include incline first, it is my prime chest exercise. I also like to change up order, Dumbell to Barbell, etc... It is not so much the exercise, but variation and intensity which are the keys.