I would say either one is good to help with fat loss . I mostly use flax , BUT now I am kinda broke and I can get olive oil almost for free so I am using it now
OH and you CAN'T heat the olive oil OR ELSE the fat WILL SATURATE and it will become SATURATED FAT - TERRIBLE
all the good bros above have given good advice
i suggest mainly fish/flax combo (omega3's) to suppliment
you should be getting enough 6 and 9's from your food intake
do not totally eliminate saturated fat
like buddy anthax mentioned a certain amount of saturated fat is needed in T production
mct's are great to help you get into ketosis/lyposis
suggestion for weight loss is to make sure your fat caloric intake is 60+%
and not too much protien
and for gawds sake eat your fiber....esp raw veggies
if you need recipes for dishes seek out my thread on the muscle food discussion board