Good luck with everything Quad, and I agree with all your decisions, sometimes you need to sit back and reflect on the choices that youve made and how the choices you are about to make will affect your life as well as the others around you, such as your immediate family. Bodybuilding, especially at your level Quad, can be a very selfish and self satisfying hobby/lifestyle, which Im sure you already realize, and is most likely one of the reasons your are making the choices that you are making. I have recently got married and having children in the near future is something that I place a high importance on, and this is definately making me rethink some plans that I had for the near future, but as family life comes into the picture my lifestyle has began to change, but I now need to find a happy medium to where I am not giving up what I absolutely love, bodybuilding, but I am also giving my family the time they need, and being healthy is a big part of that. Thanks for posting Quad, always enjoy reading your posts.