As expected, some good replies, some ignorant ones.
Someone mentioned Noah and the Ark or Adam and eve, thats fucking Genesis, the first five books of the bible(the pentateuch, the torah) is a liturgy meant to teach lessons to the people of that time, its not meant to be taken literally therefore has no correlation whatsoever with this post. The bible has been redacted so many times its ridiculous. Who gives a fuck if there was a flood etc, thats not the fucking point, the point is that the wise, noble, admirable, righteous man(NOAH) lived and the opposites of his attributes did not.
What is sad is that most on here reply in a brainwashed manner, the Christianity of today is nothing like the past as far as how it is taught, the true meanings, the theology, therefore your replies are out of anger because you hate and dislike the way it was brought upon you, thats your fault for not finding out the true meaning, theology of the bible, makes you sound even a bit dumber than you already are in my opinion because my standpoint is 100% fucking different from yours guaranteed. You assume to much about my initial post, next time, don't respond, it will save you a bunch of typed words that just make me laugh. This shit isnt even worth explaining. peace
**Schooled once again by Havoc**