Wish I had a fun story but I don't. I was barely 15 (few weeks before my birthday).
I was raped by someone I trusted and loved.
Consentually? I was 17 and he was 20. I had a hyuge crush on him. He was a friend of my band director's (young guy who just graduated college himself no too long before). Anyways he was playing in our pit orchestra for our school play (yes I was a band geek LOL). We didn't date until the end of the school year. We went out all summer long and right at summer's end I finally gave it up. My God we were BOTH so damned clueless. I don't know whether or not he was a virgin, though looking back on it now, I am fairly sure he was. By the time the school year started again (My senior yr in high school.) he was more than happy to show me off to all of his friends until they found out I was "only a high school kid". He dumped me just before Christmas as a result. REALLY broke my heart....
A few years later (I attended the same university he did) I ended up dating a kid whose sister graduated with this boy (talk about a small world). When word got back to him about how "hot" I still was (winning legz contests n' all) he sends me a Christmas card telling me where he worked, how much he made and "how much he missed me".
I was like

You MUST be joking... you had your chance dumbass, and blew it.