Cool, my diet is going great. I can't do cardio, because I'm dropping 3 ibs a week already, and am worried about losing lbm. Anywho, my waist is back down to 32", but I have definately gained, and kept a fair amount of size from my little 6 weeks bulking cycle. Of hand, I would say 10 to 12 ibs of lbm even after dieting for 5 weeks, of course I told you over the phone that I used more juice than I admit to on here for this one. The higher doses definately paid off, even if they were for such a short period of time (ran 150 mg of test prop a day for the first 3 weeks, then cut down to 50 mg ed for the last 3, 1000 mg of eq every week, 50 mg of tren ed, 1.25 mg of letro ed, and 25 mcg of t3 ed, by far my highest dose cycle, since I normally never go over a gram a week)