What's up with you gals that are always talking about your guys being gone for long periods of time? Are you all attached to a military guy or are they traveling vacuum cleaner salesman???
I've never tried the long distance thing before. The thought of my girl being so far away I couldn't see her regularly never really fired me up. Not saying it fires you up either it just seemed like so much work. Now if it was just a f@*k buddy that was a different story. Those are always useful when you're traveling. I know they say absence makes the heart grow fonder but I also Know absence leads to temptation and more absence, if ya know what I mean.
Well for us, this is the longest we've ever gone apart. By the time my boyfriend and I see each other again it will be 12 weeks from the last time we saw one another. Usually we are able to only go an average of 2 weeks every three months without seeing one another. But this long distance garbage isn't going to last too long. One of us is moving to close the distance gap.