Longhorn85 said:Exactly. I think your relationship benefits from your patience. Even if you get the sex it probably isn't going to be that good. Sleep would be more valuable anyway if you have to get up and work the next day.
I'd rather try again when she's in a better mood. I guess that's why we end up having sex about 3 times a week. When we were younger it was daily, but now I go for quality over quantity
Yeah its just not worth even trying to get it, cause then you know shes just layin there so you can use her body, and she might not even be that into it. Even making her orgasm really doesnt make her "enjoy" it when shes in that type of mood. So instead of goin that route, and feeling like a blatant shitbox, id just rather go to sleep and see what tomorrow brings.
Im surprised that youre married and still goin at it 3 times a week. Ive been with my wife for 10 years now (only married 5 months tho) and if we go at it twice a week, i feel like Ive done somethin special lol.
Although it does always seem like when i first get on a cycle, and can feel that test really kickin in... i dont know if she can pickup on that or what (my wife doesnt know about my use) but she lets me fuck her brains out for a while, then it slowly tapers back off. Plus my wife has really long menstral cycles which SUCKS ASS. It means I have a bitch on my hands almost half the month... its awesome lemme tell ya... *dies*!