No wonder so many elite fitness guys turn to 'roids, you'd all be overtrained as fuck. Hell you still would be with some of these routines.
This is not meant to be a slam, I'm just being realistic.
quads and calves:
squats- 4
front squats- 4
leg extensions 3-4
adductor, abductor 3
seated calves-4
toe presses -3 drops
SL DL- 4-5
DB lying leg curl 3-4
single standing leg curls 1-2
I don't think fucking Ronnie Coleman does that much. And he is on unbelievable amounts of gear with unbelievable genetics.
You get big by training shit heavy and with intensity. Let me know if you're a scrawny guy who can squat 500 lbs for 20 reps. If you can you're either a strength marvel, or a powerlifter who restricted his eating to get to that level at a low weight.
My routine:
(Not counting warmup sets)
Squats, 1 set of 20, rest-paused after 10-12 reps (I usually get something like 12 reps, then 5, then 3)
SL Deadlift, 1 set of 12
Calf Raise, 1 set of 25
I know so many of you on this board hate HIT. I have no fucking idea why, as nothing else provides comparable results for 90% of the population.
How the fuck do you do 8 sets of squats? EIGHT! I hope you're counting warmup sets or something, or else you'd have to train with the intensity of a nine year old girl. After that one set of squats (same for the deads) I'm wanting to fucking throw up all over the power rack.
And no, I have absolutely nothing against gear, I may someday use it myself, but only after I've reached my full natural potential. HIT, better than anything else out there, will allow me to do that.